Want to make your own SWEET t-shirt to wear to the midnight release of The Hunger Games? Yeah, me too!! And I did! In less than an hour, you can make your own shirt just like the ones pictured here.
Here's what you'll need:
- Dark T-shirt (I like black)
- Waxed paper
- Elmer's Glue
- Bleach
- Spray bottle (better) OR old toothbrush
- Scissors
- Permanent Marker
- Printer
- Mockingjay logo (or image of your choice)
- Stapler or tape
- Liquid Dish Soap
Okay, let's get started.
Step One:
Print the Mockingjay logo (click here to get it). No matter how many shirts you want to make, you only need to print out one. I printed this one at 200% size, so it was almost as big as a piece of paper. Use "Print Preview" to make sure the logo doesn't get cut off around the edges before you print.
Step Two:
Staple or tape a piece of waxed paper over the printed logo. Use the permanent marker to trace the outline of the logo. If you think you'll forget which parts to cut out, mark the white spaces on the image with an X or something. (Note: The finished stencil will be the dark part of the logo, as that's the part where you'll be protecting the shirt from the bleach.)
Step Three:
Using scissors, cut out the white parts of the logo. You want to only leave the logo for the stencil. I used full-size scissors for the main circle, then switched to tiny scissors for the detailed parts (like the beak and the arrow). You could also use an Xacto knife for this, if you want.
Step Four:
Put some cardboard inside the shirt, to keep the bleach from bleeding through. I like putting a trashbag over my cardboard so I can reuse it.
Spread a thin layer of Elmer's glue on the back of the stencil and stick to the shirt. (You can use a brush or a popsicle stick for this, but I usually just use my finger!) I do this in stages -- start by spreading glue over the mockingjay body (make sure your arrow is pointed the way you want), then stick it to the shirt. Then bend back the other parts and apply glue, working your way around and out on the stencil. Once it dries(ish), you're ready for the next step! (I usually only wait five minutes or so for drying.)
Step Five:
In your spray bottle (or a non-metal bowl), mix bleach and water. I like a 50% bleach to 50% water mix, but just eyeball it. You will need about a half-cup for a shirt.
Lay your shirt flat in the shower or tub. Make sure there aren't any wrinkles/folds.
If you're using a spray bottle, mist the bleach onto the shirt, focusing on the stencil area. I like to spray a little on the rest of the shirt because I think it is a cool effect, but its up to you! The bleach will work fast and should have lightened your shirt in 3-5 minutes.
If you're using a toothbrush, (wear rubber gloves!) dip the brush in the bowl of bleach/water and run your thumb along the brush to "mist" the bleach on the shirt. Repeat until the stencil is covered in bleach mist. Wait about 5 minutes for the bleach to work.
Step Six:
Squirt a little dish soap onto the stencil and get the shirt wet in the tub. Rub the front of the shirt against itself to wash away the paper, glue and bleach. (The paper will pretty much just dissolve and go down the drain.) Suds it up for a couple of minutes, then rinse out the soap.
Check out how cool your design looks before you throw it in the washer for a final wash before you wear it. (don't want any lingering bleach in the shirt!)
May the odds be ever in your favor!
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